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Other ways in which teachers will have the opportunity of co-operating with their professional associates will be through teachers meetings which are part of the regular supervisory program in nearly every school system. Some meetings are democratically carried out; others are not. Some are interesting; others dull. As a device for professional growth they will be discussed in a later chapter. The point to be made here is that the new teacher should approach such activities with an open mind and seek every opportunity to participate constructively in the program.


In any school system that functions in a democratic manner there will be frequent opportunities to serve on committees which are a constructive effort to solve important problems. These may be such standing committees as roster, extracurricular, safety, and the like; or such special committees as evaluation, Education Week, and many others. A good committee member tries to attend all meetings, to do the necessary research, to present his points of view objectively, to see all sides of questions being considered, and to support the conclusions reached. It should be stated finally that the new teacher should not at first try to upset established practice nor support too vigorously his own ideas. As he comes to be well accepted as a co-worker he will be able to exert a far more significant role in the solution of problems of major importance to the system. One of the best ways to reach that position of leadership is through earnest and helpful co-operation with one's colleagues.