Types of motivation

There are two types of motivation :

1. Internal or Intrinsic motivation.

2. External or Extrinsic motivation.

1. Intrinsic motivation:

Is a force inside the individual and works from within the individual. In other words, it does not depend upon the stimulus from outside. A natural interest in some thing acts as intrinsic motivation, because no outside force is required to get the individual engaged in the activity of his interest. The realisation of one's duty or the achievement motivation are the examples of intrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is the most effective type of drive. It is secured by making the subject-matter significant or meaningful to the learner. The interest is within the activity and learning carries its own reward. It is this truth which keeps the learner bound to the activity. In education, the project method (whole-hearted purposeful activity), the apperception concept in the Herbartian methodology are attempts to create and utilise Intrinsic motivation.

2. Extrinsic Motivation:

There are occasions when learning proceeds in the absence of instrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is so called because it is external to the learning activity itself. It is usually provided by incenties outside the activity or the task. It is not artificial; it must be built upon the foundation of some existing natural response or tendency.

Appreciation, praise and reward are some of the examples of extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is more or less natural and therefore, the teacher can do very little regarding this; therefore, the teacher should make use of such methods, devices and techniques, which help to provide extrinsic motivation.