
Measurement is concerned with the statement of performance usually represented in quantitative terms. Invariably measurement in schools takes the form of descriptive data obtained about student performance by using a measurement instrument in a given learning situation.

For example: The student....received 9/10 on a spelling test;....threw the javelin 100 meters; ....completed all six steps in the science experiment. ....obtained 72 percent for a math's exam.Measurement could also involve the collection of data about teacher performance or about the performance of a curriculum. However, regard-less of what is being measured, the data obtained have littlevalue by themselves and they require interpretation by someone skilled in evaluation procedures. Indeed measurement data in the hands of unskilled persons may be grossly misinterpreted.

For example, what does a student's score of 12/20 on a test indicate? By itself, it means very little and it requires interpretation before it is considered meaningful. It could mean that, on the test, the student has performed quite poorly as the average score on the test was 15/20. Or perhaps it means that the student has performed quite well as the average score was 8/20. Thus the score by it self has little meaning and it requires interpretation through the use of assessment procedures.