Characteristics of student learning the teacher needs to take into account:

1. Verbal/ Linguistic Intelligence:

  • Asks lots of questions
  • Enjoys talking
  • Has a good vocabulary
  • Can pick up new language easily
  • Enjoys playing with words (e.g., word games,puns, rhymes)
  • Enjoys reading
  • Likes to write
  • Understanding the functions of language
  • Can talk about language skills
  • Is good at memorizing names, places, dates, and trivia

2. Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence:

  • Enjoys solving puzzles
  • Plays with numbers (counting)
  • Wants to know how things work
  • Is oriented toward rule-based activities
  • Is interested in "if... then" logic
  • Likes to collect and classify things
  • Is analytical in approach to problems
  • Does well at math, reasoning, logic, and problem solving

3. Visual/ Spatial Intelligence:

  • Likes to draw
  • Likes to take things apart
  • Likes to build things
  • Enjoys puzzles
  • Likes to doodle
  • Has a keen eye for detail
  • Has a good sense of parts to the whole
  • Is mechanically adept
  • Remembers places by descriptions or images
  • Can interpret maps
  • Enjoys orienteering
  • Is good at imagining things, sensing changes, mazes/puzzles, reading maps and charts

4. Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence:

  • Has a good sense of balance
  • Has a good sense of rhythm Is graceful in movement
  • "Reads" body language Has good hand-to-eyecoordination
  • Can solve problems through doing
  • Can communicate ideas through gesture
  • Has early case in manipulating objects (e.g., ball,needle)
  • Is good at physical activities (e.g, sports, dance, acting) and crafts.

5. Musical / Rhythmic Intelligence:

  • Is sensitive to sound patterns
  • Hums tunes
  • Taps or sways in rhythm
  • Discriminates among sounds
  • Has a good sense of pitch
  • Moves rhythmically
  • Captures the essence of a beat and adjustsmovement patterns according to changes
  • Remembers tunes and sound patterns
  • Seeks and enjoys musical experiences
  • Plays with sounds
  • Is good at picking up sounds, remembering melodies, noticing pitch/rhythms, and keeping time

6. Interpersonal Intelligence:

  • Demonstrates empathy toward others
  • Is admired by peers
  • Relates well to peers and adults alike
  • Displays skills of leadership
  • Works cooperatively with others
  • Is sensitive to the feelings of others
  • Acts as a mediator or counselor to others
  • Is good at understanding people
  • Is good at organizing communicating, and sometimes manipulating people

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence:

  • Can express strong like or dislike of particular activities
  • Can communicate feelings
  • Is aware of strengths and weaknesses
  • Is confident of own abilities
  • Sets appropriate goals
  • Works toward ambition
  • Is good at understanding self and focusing inward on feelings and dreams
  • Is good at following own instincts
  • Is good at pursuing own interests and goals
  • Likes being original
  • Naturalistic Intelligence:
  • Immediate Environment: effect of sound, light, temperature, and furniture/setting design
  • Emotionality: student's own motivation, persistence, and responsibility
  • Sociological Preferences: effect of learning alone or indifferent-sized groups
  • Physiological Characteristics: effect of when and how students learn-time of day, food and drink, energy levels, and mobility while learning
  • Processing Inclinations: global, analytical, right/left, impulsive/reflective