B. Interview:

Interview is a technique of collecting information orally form others in a face to face situation. It is a two way method which permits an exchange of ideas and information. The interviewer asks a series of open ended probing questions. People are more willing to talk than write. It can produce in depth data which is not possible with a questionnaire, although it is expensive and time consuming.

Types of Interview:

There are may types of interviews depending upon purpose, nature and scope. These types are as under:

1. Individual Interview:

It is an interview conducted with one person at a time. The subject feel free to express himself fully andtruth fully.

2. Group Interview:

It is an interview conducted with many persons at a time. They can help one another recall, verify or rectify informations. They can present wide range of informations and varied view points.

3. Single Interview:

When interview is held by one interviewer it issingle interview.

4. Panel Interview:

When interview is conducted by many interviewers, it is panel interview. This panel may consist of various experts related to different fields e.g; subject specialists, administrator, psychologist, social worker etc.

5. Structured Interview:

In structured interview preplanned questions are asked in a specific sequence. The interviewer follows the -rigid order. There is no flexibility of asking new or sitation oriented questions.

6. Unstructured Interview:

The Unstructured interview are informal. The questions being asked are not planned. The interviewer asks questions according to the situation. Unstructured interviews are flexible.

7. Non-directive Interviews:

It is indepth interview in which interviewer permits subject to talk free to take insight into nature of attitudes, motives, feelings and beliefs. It is psychoanalytical in nature. It is used to take insight into hidden motives.

8. Focused Interview:

In focused interview, the respondent is allowed to express himself completely but the interviewer directs the line of thought. It focuses attention on specific experiences. It confines the conversation to the relevant issues.