In any education system school is important in achieving educational as well as institutional objective'. All the planning of class and the school is done keeping in view the school academic year. School time table, examination, schedule, sports, vacations, and field trips are arranged keeping in view the school year.

In Pakistan' the school year in the past started from the April 01 and ended on March 31 of every year. A few years back Govt. of the Punjab have charged its policy regarding school year. In Govt. school the school year started after the summer vacation i.e. September 01 and termination August 31 of very year but privately managed registered schools are not following this school year. This school promotes their students and starts new admission on January 01 of every year and  completes their session on December 31 of every year. Due to this enrollment in Govt. schools is deceasing as privately managed school offer admissions in January. Beginning of school year is important in preventing problems in education system. Now govt. has again decided to start the school year on April 1st and to end on March 31st.