Every student has his her own personality keeping in view the individual difference a teacher must know, various characteristics of students so that he can prevent problem in teaching learning environment. In the following various characteristics of students are discuss:-

  • Intellectual ability
  • Aptitude
  • Attitude
  • Level of anxiety
  • Physical health
  • Mental Health
  • Experiences
  • Level of motivation
  • Emotional Stability
  • Exposure of external environment
  • Comprehension

Before we discuss the physical social emotional and cognitive characteristics of the students it would be better to understand what stage of development is related to his her characteristics according to theories of development is related at particular age level.

  • Psycho sexual development theories of Sigmund Freud emphasized that first five years of the individual play a significant role and are prototype personality development of in individual the child passes through oral and phallic stages latency period and genital stage up to 12 years of his age. Oedipus and Electro complex lake place at stage.
  • Eriksson's psychological development stage is "initiative" vs guilt pupil need some freedom for self learning.
  • Jean Piaget is of the view that at preoperationalstage pupil are able to understand and store thingsbut that can not reverse the mental action.
  • Kohlberg's theory of mental development view that at pre conventional level pupil think that rules are superior and unchangeable.

1.Physical Characteristics

Children at the age of three to six years are very active and have control of body. Their muscles are not fully developed and they can not Fix their eyes on smaller objects. At age six to nine years the children are active, their muscles are well coordinated and children are more confident at this age. At age about twelve year children. grow rapidly specially girls are taller and heavier than boys. Rapid growth take place and students get upset of spurt changes. Fine motor coordination at this stage is significant in development. At about 15 Years of age the students are conscious about the physical and physiological changes taking place, they recognize their self. At age about 18 years most students reach physical maturity and attain puberty.

2.Social Characteristics:

At age about six years children are interacting with their peers and form play groups. Girls play indoor whole boys outdoor. At the age about 9 years students become selective, play organized game, follow rules and are full of team spirit. Quarls are still frequent. A twelve year student feels sense of independence, have group affiliation and inter personal understanding increases. At the age of 15 the student form their own rules. The students at this level want to the conformity with others. At the age about 18, the students are more influenced but their parents form long term plans girls are more anxious than boys Sense of social welfare is at peak. The spirit of patriotism and loyally to family and group is maximum.

3.Emotional Characteristics:

Kindergarten students are free and open in expressing their emotion. They get angry quickly children at this age are Jealous with other classmates. Primary level students are very sensitive they are very keen to please their teacher. At the age of 12 the student often feel clash between their own rules and adult rules. Behavior disorders are at peek at this age level. Adolescent feel more depressed. Girls feel more disorder than that of boys.

4.Cognitive Characteristics:

Kindergarteners are very skillful and keen to use language. Primary grade students are very keen to learn. At the age about 12 differences in cognitive style become clear i.e. boys and girls respond to a same task in different way. Between ages of 12 and 16 political thinking becomes more abstract and knowledge able. Piagets theory of cognition development places these individuals in the formal thought. student of 16 to 18 age group can apply previous knowledge to new situations.