In the following are suggested the ways to stop discipline problems in the classrooms.

  • Make eye contact with, or move closer to, the offender. Other nonverbal signals, such as pointing to the work students are supposed to be doing, might be helpful. Make sure the student actually stops the inappropriate behavior and gets back to work. If you do not, students will learn to ignore your signals.
  • Try verbal hints such as "name-dropping" (simply insert the student's name into the lecture), asking the student a question, or making a humorous (not sarcastic) comment such as, "I must be hallucinating. I swear I heard someone shout out an answer, but that can't be because I haven't called on anyone yet!"
  • You might also ask students if they are aware of the negative effects of their actions.
  • If they are not performing a class procedure correctly, remind the students of the procedure and have them follow it correctly. You may need to quietly collect a toy, comb, magazine, or note that is competing with the learning activities, while privately informing the students that their possessions will be returned after class.
  • In a calm, unhostile way, ask the student to state the correct rule or procedure and then to follow it. Glasser (1969) proposes three questions: "What are you doing? Is it against the rules? What should you be doing?"
  • Tell the student in a clear, assertive, and unhostile way to stop the misbehavior. If students. "talkback," simply repeat your statement.
  • Offer a choice. For example, when a student continued to call out answers no matter what the teacher tried, the teacher said, you have a choice. Stop calling out answers immediately and begin raising your hand to answer or move your seat to the back of the room and you and I will have a private discussion later. You decide"
  • Dealy the discussion of the situation until you and the students involved are calmer and more objectives.
  • Impose penalties privately. Examples 1. Make arrangements with students privately. Stand firm in enforcing arrangements. 2. Resist the temptation to "remind" students in public that they are not keeping their side of the bargain. 3.Move close to a student who must be disciplined and speak so that only the student can hear.
  • After imposing a penalty, reestablish a positive relationship with the student immediately. Examples 1. Send the student on an errand or ask him her for help. 2. Compliment the student's work or give a real or symbolic "pat on the hack" when the student's behavior warrants. Look hard for such an opportunity..
  • Set up a graded list of penalties that will fit many occasions.Examplefor not turning in homework: (1) receive reminder; (2) receive warning; (3) hand homework in before close of school day; (4) stay after school to finish work; (5) participate in a teacher-student- parent conference to develop an action plan.