8.1.5 Teachers and Text Books

teacher or Instructor Needs a text book in the following conclusions.

  • He wants to know what and how the curriculum is translated into a text.
  • He takes interest with the text book and if the text book is selected on a. the direction of content b. the way of learning c. the activities of reinforcement d. the tactics of retention. Teacher find a text book as a guide book for a learner to learn some skills, beware in desired way and know some facts and figures to use in his future needs.
  • A teacher takes it as encyclopedia on the subject, in which different ways of presentation are used to inculcate the concrete learning outcomes.
  • Instructional resources usually fall into one of two categories, student centered and teacher centered. In the student centered model, text can be used for tutorials, problem solving, discovery and review. In the teacher centered model, text books are used for presentations of supplementary or primary materials in the classroom.

Textbooks and Technology

The number of American brick-and-mortar textbook publishers has dwindled over the years to only a handful. Reliance on technology has led to "open textbooks," which are openly licensed versions of textbooks that may be viewed online or downloaded

Solutions for Students

The Internet is the greatest networking tool man has ever known and extremely favorable for those in the textbook market. Many websites offer new textbooks for a fraction of the price the publisher is asking. There are others that allow people to sell their used copies for far less than going to a bookstore.

Text Book Evaluation

A literature review of text book evaluation procedures revealed that it usually center around the following factors, content, pedagogical approach/instructional design, language, organization and format.