7.1.1 Curriculum Wing

The Federal Government through a notification in 1976 nominated the Curriculum Wing of the Ministry of Education as the 'competent authority' for classes' I-XII and the University Grants Commission (predecessor of the Higher Education Commission) for 'beyond class XII'. Now the curriculum development from Grades Early Childhood Education to XII is the responsibility of Curriculum Wing and from Grades XII to onwards is of Higher Education Commission

Functions of Curriculum Wing

  • To prepare or cause to be prepared schemes of studies, curricula, manuscripts of textbooks and schedules or strategy for their introduction in various classes of an institution in connection with the implementation of the education policy of the Federal Government.
  • To approve manuscripts of textbooks produced by other agencies before they are prescribed in various classes of an institution.
  • To direct any person or agency in writing to delete, amend or withdraw any portion, or the whole, of the curriculum, textbook or reference material prescribed for any class of an institution within a period specified in such directive.
  • To direct any person or agency in writing to delete, amend or withdraw any portion, or the whole, of the curriculum, textbook or reference material prescribed for any class of an institution within a period specified in such directive. (Source: www.moe.gov.pk).

Four provincial curriculum centers (one in each province) were established to ensure provincial collaboration and evolve consensus in all activities falling within the purview of the Federation, followed by the establishment of four Provincial Textbook Boards (PTTB) one in each province Within their respective jurisdictions, these PTTBs are sponsible for preparing, publishing, stocking, distributing and marketing school textbooks

In cach province the quality challenges are spread across the following institutions:

  • Bureau of Curriculum
  • Textbook Boards and
  • Teacher Training Institutions (in-service and pre-service)
  • Boards of Intermediate & Secondary Education (BISE) X and XII
  • National Education Assessment System (IV and VIII) and provincial education
  • assessment centers (PEAC)
  • Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) (V and VIII) restricted to the province of
  • Punjab.

The first five institutions are present in each province of Pakistan. Panjab is the only Province which has launched its own examination commission for grades V and VIII. These institutions are responsible for quality education with direct links to the Ministry of Education on assessing learning competencies, quality learning and teaching processes, ebook development, curriculum and inputs to policy reforms.

National Education Policy Curriculum reform

1972 1st Cycle, 1973-76

1979 2nd Cycle, 1982-85

1992 3rd Cycle, 1992-95

1998 4th Cycle, 1998-01cycle

Curriculum formulation is a lengthy process, as the ministry has to take expert opinions from all regions of the country. The curriculum draft is finalized by the National Curriculum Review Committee, Islamabad.

The curriculum is developed and approved with active participation and statutory representation of all the provinces, and is not centralized. The provincial Text Book Boards have the responsibility to develop and produce the textbooks. A National Review Committee,represented by national and provincial experts, approves the script.

Curriculum development is an ideologically driven process often leading to heated political debates in the country. For example, in the recent past the process of curriculum development and curriculum reform has received much attention in the print and electronic media.