
PEC is one of the pillars of fundamental changes in the education system in Pakistan. On organizational progress, the public perception will change rapidly. Its development over the years is promises to be interesting.The organization's mandate is to contribute towards educational reforms for enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of education programmes in the province and generally in the Pakistan.

PEC provides an educational assessment system which compare educational achievements of various schools in the province of Punjab.The national center for the improvement of educational assessment is also doing hard work in the field of Educational Research which evaluates current learning techniques with the help of international progressive organizations and finds out most suited and beneficial methodologies for use into existing student assessment system.

PEC mission is to contribute in the improvement of students' achievement through enhanced practices in education assessment in Pakistan. To promote the development and dissemination of knowledge regarding assessment procedures, the PEC provides maximum assistance to all stake-holders.

The Examinations arranged under PEC provide highly accurate results that can be used to:

1. Identify the skills and concepts individual students have learnt.

2.Diagnose instructural needs.

3. Monitor academic growth over that time.

4.Make data-driven decisions at school, tehsil and district levels.

5.Determine the future/destination of the education system.