Higher education today is recognized as a capital investment and is of paramount importance for economic and social development of the country. Only higher education can produce individuals with advanced knowledge and skills required for positions of responsibility in government, business, and other professions. Only highly educated manpower can handle advanced technology. In the light of these requirements, the policy had forwarded the following "guide-lines" for the improvement and development of higher education in future.

i. Guide Lines

  • Preservation of Islamic values and cultural identity of the nation.
  • Producing highly qualified manpower for meeting the needs of the country.
  • Ensuring the access to quality higher education on merit,
  • Contribution To the advancement knowledge and prosperity of the nation.

ii. Objectives of Higher Education

The following objectives were set in the policy for higher education.

  • To inculcate Islamic Ideology and moral values and preservation of our religion and cultural heritage.
  • To equip the individuals with the latest knowledge and technology.
  • To provide sufficient base of scientific knowledge to every student and to enable him/her to contribute towards nation building efforts.
  • To provide intellectual facilities, and develop capabilities of individuals so enable them to play effective role in society.
  • To produce highly educated and technically skilled manpower in sufficient members as required for the country.
  • To facilitate access to higher education, to advance learning and to generate knowledge.

iii. Policy Provisions/Programmes

The following policy provisions/programmes had been laid down in the policy for the improvement and development of higher education in future:

  • Access to higher education would be expanded to at least 5 percent of the age group.
  • Merit would be the only criteria for entry into higher education.
  • New disciplines emerging sciences would be introduced in the public sector universities.
  • Through provision of adequate students support service, better teachers and good. management, the wastage rate would be drastically reduced.
  • Selected disciplines at major universities would be transformed into "Centers of Advanced Studies and Research".
  • Allocation of resources to professional education would be enhanced.
  • Institutions of professional education would be encouraged to generate internal resources.
  • Reputed degree colleges would be given autonomy and degree awarding status.
  • The libraries and laboratories of universities and colleges would be strengthened to meet the international standard.
  • Curricula at university level would be revised for all stages.
  • M. Phil and Ph.D programmes would be launched on a large scale in the Centres of Excellence and other universities departments.
  • Linkage programmes with foreign universities could be developed to promote international cooperation and academic mobility.
  • A system of assessment of teacher's performance would be introduced for the improvement of teaching learning process.
  • A Teachers Service Training Academy would be established for improving in-service training.
  • The government would initiate a programme to utilize the services, of the Pakistanis serving in developed countries in various institutions.
  • Extensive guidance and counseling services would be provided to students in higher institutions.