i. Policy Statement.

It has been pointed out in the policy that failures in the past had been less owing to resources. scarcity than to the administration and management inadequacies. The management of education required special type of professional expertise but the educational managers were not trained in that art.

The policy maintained that managerial and administrative skills of educational personnel would be improved through professional training in techniques and methods of educational administration. The process of decision making would be effectively coordinated and monitored.

The Academy of Educational Planning and Management, would be further strengthened to enable it expand its training programmes to provinces.

ii. Other strategies laid-down in the policy for development and improvement. These strategies are briefly stated as:

  • School Management Committee would be constituted at village and institutional level.
  • Not more than 15 primary schools would be allocated to each supervisor.
  • The number of Directorates of Technical Education would be increased.
  • Directorates of Colleges would be established at the divisional level in each province.
  • The existing code of education would be revised.
  • A code of ethics for teachers administrators would be developed and followed strictly.
  • Financial rules would be revised and effective and simple procedures would be devised for expenditure under different heads of account.
  • The District Education Officer would be delegated appropriate financial, administrative and personnel management powers.
  • The provincial government would establish Academies of Educational Planning and Management.