Improvement of the quality of public instructions would receive high priority as maintained in the policy, such as:

  • Major changes would be introduced in curricula, textbooks, teaching methods and evaluation techniques. The training of teachers would emphasize the acquisition of practical skills. The role of the teacher would be re- defined. Teaching learning process would be strengthened through various types of inputs and the delivery of educational services would be improved
  • Particularly on educational side, curricula I would be revised to encourage inquisitive, creativity and progressive thinking through ege project oriented education. The linkage among curriculum development, text books writing, teacher training and examination would be reinforced. Moreover, science curricula could be revised and made competitive with the demand of new knowledge. A strategy for introducing a wide range of vocational subjects relevant to the job market and self employment would be formulated.
  • Emphasizing the importance of teacher training for bringing about improvement in teaching learning process. The policies maintained that the teacher training institutions would be equipped and strengthened and their faculty od so would be provided opportunities to update their knowledge and skill. Teacher training curricula would also be updated. The need for increasing the duration of teacher training would be assessed. Moreover Mobile Training Units would be setup for on the job training of teachers.