i. Status of Primary Education

Primary education had been recognized in the policy as fundamental right of every Pakistani child and it would be made compulsory and free so as to achieve universal enrollment of children by the end of the decade. The medium of instruction would be determined by the provinces. Special efforts would be made for improving the quality of education. Development of primary education in private sector would be encouraged but its commercialization would be discouraged through strict control and supervision.

ii. Important provisions laid down in the policy for development or primary education were:

  • About 26500 new primary school teachers would be trained.
  • About 107000 new primary and mosque schools would be opened.
  • One room each would be added in 20000existing one room schools.
  • About 24750 shelter less primary schools would be provided with two rooms each.
  • The pay structure and service conditions of primary school teachers would be improved.
  • Primary curricula from class I-III would be developed in integrated form.
  • Quran Nazira would start from class I and would be completed in the terminal years.
  • The contributing factors of drop out would quodd ribe studied and appropriate special input andme sulle would be designed to reduce wastage.
  • In areas where female participation is low, special incentive oriented programme, would be introduced to encourage the enrolment and relaxation students in schools.
  • "Primary Directorates" would be created At Federal and Provincial levels.
  • Teachers would be given training on them new concepts, introduced in curricula.
  • The Teaching kit would be upgraded.