i) The nature and status of secondary education as viewed in the policy:

In view of the policy secondary education played a very important role in the system. It was both a terminal stage for majority of students and also a-significant determinant of quality of higher and professional education. The policy maintained that the existing four tier system of education namely primary, secondary, college and university, would be replaced by a three tier system of elementary, secondary and university education in a phased manner. Classes IX and X would be added to all intermediate colleges while classes XI and XII would be added to selected high schools.

Physical facilities such as science labs, teaching and individual aids of hostels would be provided to the secondary schools, particularly in rural areas. A wide range of curriculum offering would be introduced at the secondary stage for greater diversification according to the aptitude of the students.

ii) Other Programmes for Development and Improvement of Secondary Education.

  • Mathematics would be introduced as a compulsory subject.
  • The present scheme of agro-technical subjects would be reviewed and necessary changes would be made in the light of the past experience so as to make it more purposeful.
  • One thousand middle schools would be upgraded to high level and 200 new schools would be opened.
  • New science laboratories and libraries would be added to the secondary schools where these were not exist.
  • 1150 residence for teachers, especially for, female teachers would be constructed.
  • Second shift would be introduced in schools wherever feasible, in order to increase the enrollment.