5.2 Standardized Test:

"Standardized test refers to a test thata

(i) has been expertly constructed boar

(ii) includes explicit instructions for uniform administration and scoring and

(iii) provides tables of norms for score interpretation purposes derived from administering the test in uniform fashion to a defined sample of p persons."


1.The test items are of a high technical quality. They have been developed by educational and test specialist; tried out experimentally (pretested); and selected on the basis of difficulty, discriminating power, and relationship to a clearly defined and rigid set of specifications.

2. Directions for administering and scoring are so precisely stated that the procedures are standard for different users of the test.

3. Norms based on representative groups of individuals are provided as aids in interpreting the test scores. These norms are based on various age and grade groups on a national, regional, or state level. Norms for special groups, such as private schools, might also be supplied.

4. Equivalent and comparable forms of the test are usually provided as well as information concerning the degree to which the forms are comparable.

5.A test manual and other accessory materials are included as guides for administering and scoring the test, evaluating its technical qualities, and interpreting and using the results.It is a test for which content has been selected and checked empirically, for which norms have been establishmed, and for which uniformed administration and scoring exist, and it scored. may be relatively objectively


Standardized tests are especially useful for following instructional purposes..

1. Evaluating pupils general educational development in the basic skills and in those learning outcomes common to many courses of study.

2 Evaluating pupil progress during the school year or over a period of years.

3.Grouping pupils for instructional purposes.

4.Determining pupils' relative strengths and weaknesses in broad subject or skill areas.

5.Comparing pupils' general level of achievement with their scholastic aptitude.