The curriculum and stages of education at Jamia Millia enumerated below.

Grades of Education

They were:

  • The Elementary Religious School.
  • Stage-1, i.e. Primary Stage.
  • Stage-II, i.e. Higher Secondary Stage.
  • Stage-III, i.e. the Post Degree-Stages.
  • Stage-IV, i.e. Honour's Stages. Now let us elaborate each stage.

i) The Elementary or Preschool Religious Stage

In this stage, the period of instructions was two years. It consisted of students of age group 5 to 7 according to the practice prevailing those days, the children were taught at home how to read and write and then they were allowed to join some educational institution. However, those who failed to do so, were admitted to the Elementary Religious School and were taught both. Urdu and Arabic Primers including some chapters of the Holy Quran or their Urdu Translation before they were allowed to join Stage-1, i.e. Primary stage. They were also dictated short sentences on the notebook, or tablet/small wooden board. Further, they were taught the number system, oral computation of addition and minus sums. Stories of religious and moral value were also narrated or read out to the children.

ii) Stage-l, i.e. Primary Stage

This stage was to be completed in five years at the age of 12. In this stage visual reading of the Holy Quran was taught. In addition, translation of certain portions had to be learnt. Some chapters of the Holy Quran and selected verses were memorised by the students. Again, the rules regarding ablutions, prayers and practical arithmetic/every-day life calculations were taught in addition to the concepts and rules about beliefs, devotions and biography (Seerat) Language, Calligraphy and Composition of passages were also learnt. No examinations or tests were held during the first two years.

iii) Stage-I 1, i.e. Higher Secondary Stage

In this stage after the completion of five-years study at the age of 17, an Intermediate Certificate was awarded to the students. Here Deeniyat, Arabic language and arts were taught as compulsory subjects. However, in elective subjects any one of the Asian or European languages and any five of the following subjects had to be chosen, namely:

  • History
  • Geography
  • Political Science
  • Deenlyat
  • Economics
  • Science & Mathematics
  • Logic & Psychology.

Three of the above elective subjects had to be studied during the first three years while the remaining two subjects had to be studied in the remaining two years of the academic period. The subject of Deeniyat consisted of:

  • The text & translation of the Holy Quran.
  • The rules for exegesis of the Holy Quran.
  • Jurisprudence (Islamic).
  • Obligations (Duties).
  • Biography of the Holy Prophet (seerat) peace be upon him) etc.
  • The Science of Hadith.

iv) Stage-III, I.e. the Post Degree Stage

This stage lasted for three years with Deeniyat and Islamic History as compulsory subjects. The elective subjects included:

  • Islamic Sciences
  • The History of Communities
  • Science of Philosophy
  • Science & Mathematics.

A book in any language had also to be written. On the successful completion of this course, a degree equivalent to M.A. M.Sc. was awarded which was equal to graduation in other countries' Universities.

v) Stage-IV, i.e. Honour's Stage

Any Degree Holder of the Jamia with the help of additional research work and study could himself/herself as a candidate for Doctorate (Ph.D.) Degree.