i) Raised a team of authors

The Nadwa institution, because of its contacts with the Islamic World, succeeded in raising such a distinguished team of authors which did outstanding work in the fields of History, Biography, Literature and Journalism. The most outstanding among them was one Syed Suleman Nadvi.

ii) Published a religious magazine

The Nadwat-ul-Ulama started a magazine titled 'Al- Nadwa', which acted as its spokesman. It influenced the 'Ulama' in general because of its religious writings.

iii) Outstanding services of Darul-Musannafeen

The outstanding services rendered by Dar-ul- Musannafeen Azamgarh regarding Islamic education and literature need no introduction. This institution too had its origin in Nadwa. The experts (linguistics) there were or had been associated with the Nadwa.

iv) Jamia Abbasia worked as offshoot

The educational services of Jamia Abbasia were highly valuable in south Asia. This institution too was an off-shoot of the Nadwa.

v) Maulana Shibli influenced Muslim Thinkers

The chief architect of the nadwa Movement was Maulana Shibli. His matchless capabilities influenced all his contemporaries a great deal. His style and scholastic contributions had a deep impact on the 20th Century Muslim Thinkers