When the rule changed in South Asia and the English educational system was introduced, the Hindus readily embraced it. because they were least affected by it. Formerly, they learn Arabic and Persian for worldly gains only. Now they could achieve the same purpose with English. On the contrary, the Muslims resisted it, as to them the new education system would lead the Muslims to secularism and westernization. Therefore, the need of the hour was to preserve the religious sciences for the coming generations to be reared and brought up according to Islamic teachings, so that they could resist westernization and secularism. For the purpose, the ancient mosque "Chhattah' in the town of Deoband in U.P. (India) was chosen as the centre, wherein Hazarat Maulana Muahammad Qasim Nanautwi resided along with his colleagues. Finally the Maulana setup an academy there on May 30, 1866 A.D. Maulana was a pupil of Maulvi Mamluk Ali who was a graduate in Hazarat Shah Waliullah's School of thought and had taken an active part in his Holy Warriors Movement. In this sense, the Deoband School of thought is very much the continuation and succession of Shah Waliuallah's school of thought. The first head of the Deoband Academy was Maulana Muhammad Yaqoob Nanautvi and the first student enlisted was Maulana first stud Mahmood-ul-Hasan.

The academy was founded as and always remained a totally non-governmental institutions. The founder of this Academy considered it a means for trust in God. As there were no regular financial resources, the Muslims at large were contacted, which helped to introduce the Academy far and wide. It also helped in gaining more and more donors and patrons resulting in promoting it to a great University where the students not only from within, but also from outside the country were enlisted for religious graduation and scholar-ship.