2.3 Matching Type Test

The matching exercises consist of two parallel columns of phrases, words, numbers, or symbols that must be matched. Examples of items included in matching exercises are persons and achievements, dates and historical event, and terms and definitions. The nature of the matching exercise limits it to measuring the ability to identify the relationship between two things. For this restricted use, it is a compact item type that can be used to measure many relationships in a short time. Its limitations include the difficulty of removing irrelevant clues and the difficulty of finding significant homogeneous material. When homogeneous material available, including more items in one column that in the other, arranging the shorter responses on the right and in logical order, and indicating clearly the basis for matching all will contribute to the effectiveness of the matching exercise.


(i) Gilbert sax (19989) defines matching type test:

"A test format that requires the student to match a series of responses with corresponding terms in stimulus list"

(ii)W. Werisma & S.G, jurs (1990) define matching item:

"An item consisting of a two column format premises and responses that requires the student to take a correspondence between the sets."

(iii). A.J. Nitko (1983) defines matching exercise:

"A matching exercise presents the pupil with a list of premises, a list of response and a set of direction for matching the element of these two sets".

(iv)R.L. Ebel & D.A. Frisbie (1986) define matching item:

"Matching test items occur in cluster composed of a list of premises, a list of and direction for matching the two. In many clusters the distinction between premises and responses is simply in the names given to them. The two lists can be interchanged without difficulty". response

(v)L.M. Corey (1988) defines matching items: "Matching test items are another popular selected response format. These items require students to match information in two columns. Items in the left hand column are called premises, and those in the right hand column are called responses. Students are required to locate the correct response for each premise".

(vi) Hopkins, Stanley & Hopkins (1990) define: "A Matching exercise typically consists of two columns; each item in the first column is to be paired with an alternative in the second column."

(vii) N.E. Gronlund (1985) defines:

"The matching exercise consists of two parallel columns, with each word, number of symbol in one column being matched to a word, sentence of phrase in the other column. The items in the columns for which a match is sought are called premises and the items in the column for which the selection is made are called responses."