2.1 Alternate Response/True-False Tests

(i)Stanley and Hopkins (1990) observe:

"The true-false tests is a form that is very popular with classroom teachers has been the object of more criticism than any other form of objective test".

(ii) A.J. Nitko (1983) defines

"A true-false item consists of a statement or proposition which the examinee must judge and mark as either true or false".Thus it can be said true false items p not have true or false words with them but their may nature is such that there are two answers against each statement. One answer is Correct and the other answer is wrong. Whatever form is given to it, if one answer is true and the other answer is false.


1. It is selection type test.

2. It consists of a declarative statement.

3. Pupils are required to select one of the two possible answers in the form of:

(i) True or False(ii) Right or wrong(iii)Correct or incorrect(iv)Yes or No(v) Agree or disagree

4.It can measure simple learning outcomes knowledge and understanding.

5. It is also used to distinguish fact from opinion.

6.It can also measure the ability to recognize cau

se and effect relationship.


Underline T for true and F for false statement.

1. London is the capital of France. TF

2. Mecca is in Saudi Arabia.  TF

3. Oxygen is lighter than air.  TF

4.Air is a compound.  TF


1. It is easy to construct.

2. A wide sampling of course material can be obtained.

3. It takes less time to construct.

4. High degree of objectivity is possible.


1. It allow high degree of guessing (50%are only two choices.

2. Copying is possible.

3. Clues or regular pattern help the examinee to respond correctly.

4.It can not measure complex learning outcome.

5. Emphasizes rote memorization.

6.They donot admit the possibility of intermedaite position. Several factors are not entirely true or entirely fasle.

7.They are frequently ambiguous.

8.They expose students to error which is psychologically not desirable.

Suggestions for Constructing True-False Test:

1. Avoid including two ideas in one statement.

2. Each statement should be unequivocally true or false It should not be partly true or partly false.

3.Avoid the use of negative statement, especially double negatives.

4.Give reference when statement is concerned with a person.

5. Statements should not be taken as such from test book materials.

6.True and false statement should be approximately equal in length.

7. The number of true and false statement should be approximately equal.

8. Avoid regular pattern or grouping of true/false statement.

9.Write clear and concise statement.

10. Give clear cut instructions (circle, underline or mark)

11.Apply guessing correction formula for scoring.

12.Avoid words that clue for correct answer

13.Avoid trivial (unimportant) statement.

14.Avoid larg complex statements.