Elements of Educational process

The elements of educational process are:

  • Aims
  • Curriculum
  • Pedagogy
  • Evaluation

(i) Aims:

Every individual is born with talents. The aim of education is the development of these talents or potentialities. The aim of education is intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, aesthetical and ethical development of man.

(ii) Curriculum:

The aims of education are achieved through curriculum. It includes curricular (subject matter) and co- curricular activities for the intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, aesthetical and ethical development of the child.

(iii) Pedagogy:

Pedagogy is concerned with teaching methods. In order to present the contents (subject matter) to the learners, different methods are required. These may range from informal to formal methods. There are variety of methods like lecture method, activity method, problem solving method etc. Today we also have software as well as hardware technology.

(iv) Evaluation:

Evaluation is concerned with knowing the value of any thing. In the education process different things are evaluated e.g., contents, methods, student performance. The different techniques are used for evaluation e.g., tests, interviews, questionnaires, observation etc.